About The Twitch Permissions We Request

We want you to feel comfortible using R3dLabs, and to do that you should understand why we request the Twitch permissions we do. Read below to understand which Twitch permissions we request, and why we request them.

A Note Before We Begin

When R3dLabs was first developed, we combined permissions for both R3ddyBot and R3dLabs into a single request to make setup as seamless as possible. In hindsight, this approach was too broad, and we are actively working to separate these permissions, giving you greater control. Our goal has always been to keep R3dLabs user-friendly and accessible, and we acknowledge that, in this instance, we may have overreached.

We are committed to minimizing the permissions we request and hope this change enhances your experience with R3dLabs. Using R3ddyBot is optional and can be disabled anytime. Additionally, R3ddyBot can only act within the permissions you grant, so if you want to adjust his behavior, you can do so in the R3ddyBot control panel.

Channel Moderate

R3ddyBot uses this permission to make event announcements in your channel, including links to navigate to events. Without moderator permissions, R3ddyBot can't post links or make announcements.
- Twitch has since introduced a more efficient way to handle this, and we’re working on updates to eliminate the need for this permission.

Channel Manage Moderators

This permission allows R3ddyBot to be made a moderator on your channel so he can perform his assigned tasks. It is solely used for this purpose; we don’t manage other moderator settings on your channel.
- We’re currently working to remove the need for this permission by leveraging improved alternatives.

User Read Email

This basic permission is needed for account registration. Your email is only used for R3dLabs communications and is never shared or sold.

Moderator Manage Banned Users

This permission allows you to easily ‘unban’ R3ddyBot if necessary. Sometimes users accidentally ban R3ddyBot and have trouble re-adding him. With this permission, simply toggling R3ddyBot on/off will automatically unban him. R3ddyBot does not handle bans on other users and is only ‘unbanned’ when you request it.

Moderator Manage Announcements

This permission allows R3dLabs to post announcements in your channel when you’re live at a R3dLabs-planned event. This is the only time announcements are posted.

Channel Manage Raids

R3ddyBot can automate raids to the next streamer in an event, using this permission solely for that purpose.