R3dLabs is stoked to be supporting the Crystal Mountain Music Fest July 26 - 28. Click for tickets

Meet R3ddyBot!

Your AI Powered Twitch Chatbot
You know R3ddyBot - he's been hard at work providing raid train announcements, but he just got a big upgrade. Now you can use Artificial Intelligence to interact with your chat, send chat timers and more.

Claim your $2 in free credits now to start playing with R3ddyBot's new AI features. Remember, basic chatbot functionality will always be FREE!
You know R3ddyBot - he's been hard at work providing raid train announcements, but he just got a big upgrade. Now you can use Artificial Intelligence to interact with your chat, send chat timers and more.

Claim your $2 in free credits now to start playing with R3ddyBot's new AI features. Remember, basic chatbot functionality will always be FREE!

Tools For Streamers

Raid Train Management

Stream Event Calendar

Twitch AI Chatbot (R3ddyBot)

Single Source Profile (R3ddy.me)

Live and Upcoming Events

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