R3dLabs is stoked to be supporting the Crystal Mountain Music Fest July 26 - 28. Click for tickets

About R3dLabs

We are a platform that provides Twitch streamers with a powerful suite of tools to help them on their journey to success (and fun!). These tools include Raid Train Event Management, Chatbots with and without AI, a Radio station (R3dio) to promote our DJ community, and much more.

Our Team

These are the people who keep R3dLabs running. Without them, none of this would be possible. Be sure to show them some love!
MrR3dL1ne ( Bill )
MrR3dL1ne is the founder of R3dLabs. He has been building and coding the platform in his spare time for the past 2 years. After joining Twitch in early 2020 he fell in love with the community and all of the fellow DJs out there.

Navigating the many OBS plugins, and using excel spreadsheets to manage Raid Trains became a hassle, so he decided to use his software engineering skills to build something that everyone could benefit from. It's always been his dream to create a platform and write software for something he was passionate about.
DJ Houseboy ( Luis )
DJ Houseboy is a DJ from Chicago and has been mixing since the 80's. Not only is he pivotal to the success of R3dLabs, he also is the founder of the Original HouseHeads on Twitch.

Luis wears many hats on the R3dLabs team, but you will most frequently find him organizing our R3d Raid Trains, working with the community to spread the word about the platform, and helping to shape the direction of the product through ideas and collaboration.
DJ UNOHOO ( Keenan )
DJ Unohoo is a force to reckon with. He runs his own business, manages and DJs with the Haclyon Syndicate (a SICK Twitch DJ Crew), and still finds time to collaborate and help contribute to R3dLabs.

Keenan excells at communication and bringing the concerns and ideas of our community to light. Those concerns and ideas then get turned into features so everyone can benefit.
DJ Twist ( Ryan )
We can't say enough good things about DJ Twist. He works for a large corporation during the day, but in his spare time he enjoys spinning sick beats and working hard to help us build an amazing platform.

Ryan has contributed a lot of the fun animated logo's we have displayed on our site. When he's not playing around with artwork and animations, he's supporing our community and contributing ideas and collaborating with the team.
DJ PatAttack ( Pat )
DJ PatAttack has been a friend of R3dLabs since it started. During the day he works in Cyber Security, but in his free time he enjoys putting mind bending mixes together and sharing ideas and collaborating with the rest of the team.

Pat has recently decided to try something new and help run R3dio. He will be working together with BobDM_ to onboard new contributors, plan the daily playlist and to think of new fun ways to engage our listeners.
BobDM_ ( Bob )
BobDM_ is fairly new to the R3dLabs team, but has proven to be full of positivity and support for us and the larger Twitch DJ community. He is an ambassador/co-host of the Sunday Soirée and specializes in mixing Deep and Afro House.

Bob has been kind enough to volunteer his time to help run R3dio. He will work closely with DJ PatAttack to onboard new contributors, plan our daily playlists and think of new creative ways to engage our listeners.